September 1, 2010


General Objective:

To understand and to apply the concepts of static as a basic tool to solve previous problems to the design of structural elements of mechanisms and machines as well as its application in other areas of the engeenering.

Didactic Sequences:
*Click on the didactic sequence to download.

I. Introduction

1.1 Concept Map
In teams, students will create ‘Concept Maps’ about mass, weight, force and the three Newton’s Laws, relating them, at the same time, with Statics and, lastly, Physics. Afterwards, a translation will be done with the purpose of reinforce the concepts previously seen.
Working in: Teams
Time: 110 minutes.

1.2 Ticktacktoe
In teams, students will revised the concepts about mass, weight, force and the three Newton’s Laws, answering the questions with “true or false”. They will create a presentation using the concepts of the ticktacktoe game. Whereas, the other members of the team will translate immediately the presentation.
Working in: Trios
Time: 115 minutes.

II. Force system in two and three dimensions

2.1 Ticktacktoe
In teams, students will revised concepts about free body diagrams, unit vector, vector position, dot product, among others. Answering the presented questions with “true or false”. They will create a presentation using the concepts of the ticktacktoe game. Whereas, the other members of the team will translate immediately the presentation.
Working in: Trios
Time: 115 minutes.

III. System of equilibrium forces in two and three dimensions

IV. Moment of a system of forces

V. Rigid body and structural analysis

VI. Friction

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